I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and got to enjoy some quality time with friends and family!
This year was a little different for us. My boyfriend and I went over to by brother-in-law’s brother. Well now, that sounds complicated didn’t it. My dad was gone hunting, which is a usual thing – and my poor momma was home super sick. So, it was just the kids this year.

There was also a super fun announcement this year. I’m not sure if you can read my sister’s shirt… but I’ll give you a hint…

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! I’m going to be an auntie again!! Can I tell you how freaking stinking excited I am about this!
Having a baby sister is something very special — I’ve gotten to watch her grow up. This is just another big life event for her that I get to witness and it is something enormously special.
Oh Baby, you don’t know how much you are already loved